Code of Conduct

As a student of the school, you are both a role model for other students and an ambassador for the school in the wider local community. As such, we expect you to display the following core values:

Respect: show the highest level of respect to your peers and staff at all times, treating others as you would wish to be treated.

  • Do as you are asked by a member of staff at the first time of asking.
  • If any grievance arises, respectfully raise your concerns with a teacher or school management.
  • Show respect and consideration for other people’s religion, culture, race and gender, working together to stop bullying of any sort, including cyber, racist and homophobic bullying.
  • Show respect for school property; do not deface/damage school property

Integrity: be honest and have strong moral principles, owning up to your mistakes and using them as an opportunity for self-improvement.

  • Do not engage in any anti-social behaviour (including outside of school) that brings the school into disrepute.
  • Be a responsible student by promptly reporting to staff any instances where you witness any wrongdoing or injustice, anti-social behaviour even when you are not directly involved.
  • Meet your commitments, including attending lectures/workshops/visits/interviews on/off campus that you have signed up to attend.

Determination: take full advantage of all of the opportunities being a student at the school will afford you, never giving less than your best effort to enable you to achieve your full potential.

  • Work to the best of your ability and be proud of your achievements.
  • Be on time for all lessons and always have the right attitude, work and equipment with you.
  • Complete all classwork, homework and projects on time and to the best of your ability.
  • Be alert and engaged in lessons in a way that promotes the achievement of yourself and your peers.

In addition, the following outlines our expectations of you when you are a student of this school:

  1. Don’t be late for lessons except for reasonable excuses.

2. Requests for pre-planned absences should be submitted to your class teacher at least 72 hours in advance of the planned absence. Your attendance and punctuality will be taken into account when considering whether to grant the request.

3. Unplanned absence must be reported by your parent/guardian to the school authorities between 7.30am and 8.10am on the day of the absence. Medical evidence is required for any sick absence.

4. If you are late to school, you must report to the class teacher to ensure you are registered.

5. You are welcome to use the school library between 8am and 5pm.

6. Silence must be maintained at all times in the classrooms and library except when told otherwise. Timetabled study periods should be treated as an important part of your day and are not an opportunity to idle or go home.

7. In light of this and to enable us to fulfil our safeguarding responsibility by accounting for the whereabouts of all students, toilets should not be used during lesson time except in an emergency, at which point you should report to your class teacher or class prefect (when the teacher is not available).

8. Mobile phones/electronic devices (except electronic watches and calculators) and headphones should not be seen or heard in lessons or during lesson changeovers. They are NOT permitted anywhere on campus.

9. Mobile phones/electronic devices must not be used for recording or filming on the school premises at any time without the express written permission of the school authorities.

10.Do not eat or drink in corridors, classrooms or school libraries at any time during timetabled lessons; only eat in the School Dining Room or Cafeteria or Courtyard.

11.Move quickly and calmly through school corridors during lessons.

12.Do not smoke on school premises or on your way to and from school.

13.Do not leave the school campus at any time during the school day, unless authorised by a member of staff. You cannot re-enter the campus once you have left for the day without the permission of a member of staff.

14.Do not drop litter or buy or sell items or goods from other students on school campus.

15.Abide by the school dress code at all times, including on your way to and from school. Make-up should not be excessive, nails should be of a suitable length and there should be no outlandish hairstyles (including hair colours that are not natural to the student/dyed hair). No tattoos or any type of visible body art is permitted.

16.The following items are expressly prohibited at all times and we will search for them without your consent:

a. knives or weapons

b. illegal drugs

c. stolen items

d. pornographic images

e. alcohol

f. tobacco and cigarette papers

g. fireworks or flammable substances

h. any article that we reasonably suspect has been, or is likely to be, used:

  • to commit an offence, or
  • to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil).
  • To damage school property.

i. mobile phones/electronic devices that are used in breach of rules 8 and 9 above or used in any other way to breach any of our rules

17.Prohibited items will be confiscated and dealt with in line with our school policy. Mobile phones/electronic devices will be held by the school for the duration of a term. Repeat offenders may be prohibited from bringing such items to school and could be suspended for a period of time.

18.The school does not accept responsibility for pupils’ personal possessions if lost or stolen from anywhere on the school premises. In the case of items confiscated because they are being used in breach of school rules, the school expressly excludes its liability for loss or theft or damage including loss, theft or damage caused by negligence of school staff. This is because the school will have been required to take possession of the item only to uphold school rules.